Listen to a frank discussion about pregnancies, birthing experiences and becoming a new mom with Cynthia Moore, Physical Therapist. She describes the challenges of connecting with not only a new body, but a new relationship to that body, as well as tools that helped empower her to do just that after childbirth. We also discuss the life of a working mom trying to stay fit. When I first met Cynthia, we bonded over a single conversation on this one topic, and it’s one I wanted to share with you. She is so relatable and easy to talk to, and I know you will enjoy meeting her. If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, or adjusting to life as a new mom in a new body, you are in the right place. We look forward to hearing from her again! If you want to ask Cynthia any questions, please contact her at:
[email protected] or Instagram: @cynthiaemoore
This is part 3 in a series of conversations about perimenopause and menopause. I've heard from so many women who felt like they went through it alone, or didn't have anyone to confide in or help them through it. So let's normalize talking about menopause - what it can look like, what to expect, and ideas for how to best navigate the inevitable changes that come with this phase of life.
Maria's story is different than Lisa's and Nancy's, in particular because she had 2 babies in her 50s, but if you've listened to all 3 conversations about perimenopause, you will surely recognize some commonalities. And if you are noticing these symptoms yourself - you're not going crazy! There is support available- information, treatments, other women having similar experiences. Our stories are unique. We are not doctors, nor are we giving medical advice. Please talk to your doctor about your health and follow their professional advice. Here are some books we mention that we have found to be helpful on this journey: -The New Menopause by Dr Mary Claire Haver -Outlive by Dr. Peter Attia -Estrogen Matters by Arum Bluming, MD, and Carol Tavris, PhD
This is part 2 in a series of conversations about perimenopause and menopause. I've heard from so many women who felt like they went through it alone, or didn't have anyone to confide in or help them through it. So let's normalize talking about menopause - what it can look like, what to expect, and ideas for how to best navigate the inevitable changes that come with this phase of life.
What sticks with me about Nancy's story is not just the truly difficult times she has been through, but how taking a broad perspective of life's ups and downs helped her ride out the lows. It is normal to experience lows and rough times! Even so, she was able to take charge of her health and get relief from her symptoms with the help of her doctors. You are an inspiration, Nancy! Our stories are unique. We are not doctors, nor are we giving medical advice. Please talk to your doctor about your health and follow their professional advice. At the end of this episode, I mention my naturopath. Here is her information: Dr. Savannah Bukant Naturopathic Doctor, Biofeedback Therapist, Mindbody Coach Seattle, WA | (425) 403-7480 |
Welcome to a series of conversations about menopause. I've heard from so many women who felt like they went through it alone, or didn't have anyone to confide in or help them through it. So let's normalize talking about menopause - what it can look like, what to expect, and ideas for how to best navigate the inevitable changes that come with this phase of life.
I am truly grateful to Lisa for sharing her story and what she has learned. Menopause is going to look different for everyone. But you can be sure that, whatever you are going through, you are not alone! Our stories are unique. We are not doctors, nor are we giving medical advice. Please talk to your doctor about your health and follow their professional advice.
How does the way you talk to yourself translate into your reality? Nancy and I discuss our workouts, her decision to go back to school a little later in life, and juggling the many demands placed on us. You can have what you want in your life. Put your mind to it and take positive action. If you're anything like us, you have often taken care of others before yourself. Maybe it's time to let others support you.
What if going through the motions was exactly what you needed? Sometimes when life throws a curveball, leaning into your routines can keep you going until you heart kickstarts. And physical motion can get you unstuck, heal wounds, and move stagnant energy out. Hear how it's helped me through turbulent times.
Sometimes we pride ourselves on our individualism and ability to stand on our own, which is definitely a product of Western culture. However, in my life, community support has been an essential ingredient for success. Every time I've stretched into uncharted territory- whether it was working out, starting a business, or parenting- I have leaned heavily on my tribe. They have always been there to listen, commiserate, laugh, and sometimes share advice; every person has been a vital piece of not feeling alone. Through these relationships, I have learned essential emotional tools that help me be a better friend, business person, partner, and mother.
We know that we are wired for connection, and that belonging is a basic human need. So embrace your community, lean on each other for support, and do the work to nurture those relationships that bring beauty and meaning to your life. I hope you listen to this podcast and see yourself in it. Because some of you have become those family and friends I am talking about.
My fitness story is a life-long journey of learning to listen to my body and give it what it needs. I started by losing weight. It was a necessary first step, but my instinct to eat less and drop pounds wasn't ultimately what was best for me. I needed to build muscle, and eat more healthy, protein rich foods to support that muscle growth. Strength training has been one of the best things I have done for myself. It has supported me through many stages in life- from competing, to having a baby, to going through the first stages of perimenopause. And I'm not done yet!
I love fitness. I love working on my body. I do it every day. But I would be lying if I said I am motivated and excited about it every single day. I share some of the things I do to overcome the urge to be stationary. My top tip- find something that brings you joy when you exercise and do that regularly. It will shift your whole perspective.
Learn how to be an advocate for your health and put together a team of care providers that will listen to you and point you in the right direction. Dr. Bukant and I also discuss perimenopause, so if you are going through this, about to go through this, or are close to someone in this stage of life, you will definitely want to tune in.
Want more? We’ll have a part two, where we dive into the tests you can ask for based on your health history and what your are experiencing.
Lo Shdo from Shdofitness and I talk about flow from our perspective as trainers and business owners. We created our dream jobs and tell you how we got there. Sometimes we can forget that we don't have to recreate the wheel; not every venture needs to be into uncharted territory. We share our stories to give you tips and inspiration for bringing your own ideas to fruition. Each of us has to find our own rhythm; join us for our conversation and get into flow!
AuthorAdriana Medina Cagan, Mother, Latina Entrepreneur and Business Owner, Personal Trainer, and Podcaster Archives
November 2024
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