The following is a personal testimony from our client, Christine, who had some great thoughts and feedback about our semi private training sessions: got some amazing results from the 8-week semi-private training with Adriana. In only 8 weeks I LOST 7 POUNDS of body fat and gained 2 pounds of muscle while toning my overall shape and feeling full of energy and more fit than ever in my life.
I am 41-years-old and I've been consistently working out at Fuerte for over five years now. I decided, post-baby, that I needed to make exercise a priority in my life. Since then, I have worked out consistently, but felt like my weight was slowly creeping up. There were three important aspects of Adriana's semi-private program that really helped me get the results that I wanted. First of all, I can get better results from myself if I am held accountable in a group. I would get up at zero-dark-thirty and get to the gym because I knew that my cohorts would be there to support me and to push me beyond the limits I would inherently set for myself. I was consistently impressed with my partners' perseverance and strength and I would try harder just because I was with them. Secondly, it sounds like torture, but I really like working out first thing in the morning. I would much rather sleep, but for me, waking up is always hard - so why not get up at 5:30?? It feels the same as getting up at 6:30, but I can be DONE with my workout by 7:00AM which is a GREAT feeling, and I know my metabolism got a major kickstart for the day. Most importantly, like most people, I assumed that consistent cardio (in the form of running) would help me lose weight and keep me slim and trim. I have been afraid to replace running with strength training and conditioning because I thought I would end up gaining weight without the focus on burning calories. Boy, was I wrong! The strength training really helped to change the shape of my body unlike cardio ever could. The conditioning that we did was often challenging, but I enjoy it more than running, and after a workout, I would be amazed at what I had convinced my body to do. Now that our 8-week program is over, I have the book of workouts and I have started over at Week One and I'm going back through the entire program on my own. It's such a valuable tool for me. The food diary and counting calories was the biggest challenge for me, but I'm sure it made the biggest difference in the weight loss. I felt like I had pretty good eating habits already established, but when I wrote everything down, I went through a hyper-awareness of how and what I typically eat and there were some glaring issues. I am eating more often throughout the day now, but eating smaller meals. I focus on snacking on veggies because I know that they have less calories and more nutritional benefit than my typical box of crackers. And I realized how much our family eats out, which may never change, but I can make better decisions in those situations. Food is ALWAYS tricky, but being aware of my habits was truly enlightening. My exercise life has been reinvigorated because of the Semi-Private workouts. I am very happy that I got to start out the year with such great results. I would sign up for the 8-week program again in a snap! Thanks Adriana! By Barbara Selemon, Fuerte Fitness Front Desk Attendant
Every time I walk into Fuerte Fitness and see the elliptical machine, I think of Barney Myer. Fran and Barney are good friends of mine who met while playing pickleball, were married on a pickleball court and own an online supply store. When both turned 60 years of age, they retired from their long time institutional jobs and planned to live half the year in Surprise, Arizona and half the year in the Seattle area, while conducting business from both locales. Not long after they began on their new path in life, Barney was diagnosed with Progressive Supranatural Palsey (PSP). PSP is a neurodegenerative disease that causes loss of cognition, physical abilities and finally life. There is no cure. In a short time period , Barney has gone from being a top performer on the pickleball circuit to an invalid, requiring 24 hour care. Fran and Barney can no longer make the trip to and from Arizona, so they stay full time here in the Pacific Northwest. Barney’s sight is nearly gone and he has balance problems that cause him to fall often, but every day of the year, Barney spends time on the elliptical. Barney’s elliptical is a main feature in Fran and Barney’s home in Kenmore, Washington and is set in a prominent spot in the dining-living room area near large wall to wall windows so that he has light coming in while he works out. Besides working out on the elliptical for 30 minutes a day, Barney goes for a bike ride with his caregiver on the Burke Gilman trail in a large tricycle built for adults. To say the least, Barney’s legs are extremely strong. Fran told me that sadly, all the others that they met in the PSP support group are either no longer living or are in much worse shape than Barney. Barney is strong and disease-free except for PSP. Even though Barney is aware that there is no cure for his disease, he makes an effort to stay as fit as he possibly can. This amazes me that he has the motivation to exercise every day on the elliptical machine. Barney is my inspiration to keep doing as much as I possibly can each and every day. I am always reminded of the gift of a healthy life when I see Barney and others out there making the best they can while facing extreme challenges in their lives. Do you have someone who inspires you? Post a comment about them! |
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