The Ultimate Plank Off
For weeks here at Fuerte Fitness we had our members participate in our monthly challenge for April. Each class began by doing a simple plank and our members tried to hold it for as long as they could. They brought it together as a community and cheered on each other as they passed their personal goal. By the last week, it was neck and neck and the title of Ultimate Plank Off Winner was between Darrell Martin and Chris Watts. Sometimes we need a little bit of competition or rivalry to get motivated and accomplish goals. Last year Darrell was our winner at 9 minutes for his plank but Chris was getting closer with every try. Chris had a Plank Off journey he went from starting at 4 minutes to slowly holding on for 8 minutes. The last three days Darrell came in to try to dominate the competition with his 12 minutes and 12 seconds plank. At the very last day Chris came in and had the whole gym cheering him on for holding on for 12 minutes and 26 seconds!!! Here at Fuerte Fitness we are full of encouragement and a community. Well luckily for Chris he won some Mariners Tickets for his strong core and dedication to win this plank off! Runner up was Darrell who held it for a time of 12.13.10, third place was Alex at 7minutes and 5 seconds, and fourth place was Nicole who did it for 6.53.01. |
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