Give yourself 30 minutes to increase your mobility and strength. This is a gentle series that will definitely get your body moving! We will stretch the entire body with a focus on the hips and lower back, then move into balance poses, ending with a bit of callisthenics. This session is in real time- let me guide you through the various postures and help you tune into your body so you can give it what it needs.
Get your body moving with this high energy workout.
Warm Up 1. Side shuffle 2. Jog forward back peddle 3. Walking lunges 4. Hamstrings and lower back stretch 5. Downward dog 6. Wide stance adductors 7. Half kneeling hip flexors and hamstrings 8. Wide squats 9. Shoulder dig and twists 10. Single leg quads 11. Knee hugs 12. Modified tree pose 13. Shoulders 14. Twists Circuit - Do each 3 times before moving on 1. Side shuffle floor touches (30 seconds), followed by 10 push ups. 2. Scoop squats forward, back peddle (30 seconds), followed by 10 push ups 3. In & out hops forward, scoop squats back (30 seconds). 4. Plank ups, followed by leg raises (15 reps each). 5. Core twists with floor touches (30 seconds), followed by 15 sit ups 6. Straight leg bridges, followed by reverse table tops in and outs (15 reps each) 7. Cobra push-ups (10 reps), followed by mountain climbers (30 on each side) 8. Wide stance butt bridges (20 reps) and reverse table top kick outs (20 each side) Cool down 1. High knees (30 seconds) 2. Forward bends and reaches 3. Happy feet (30 seconds) 4. Wide stance stretches 5. Seated forward stretches 6. Seated lower back twists 7. Butterfly stretch This workout is done in less than 60 minutes.
Resistance, cardio... let's go! Warm up: 3 sets of 10 each Push ups Windmills (10 each way) Side plank hip dips (10 each side) Knee to stand Reserve flys HIIT circuit: 3 sets of 30 seconds each 1. Running 2. High Knees 3. Butt kicks 4. Side to side hops 5. Walkouts with shoulders 6. Squat jump peddle back 7. Mini Side shuffle Cool down and stretch Hip Flexors and Hamstrings Chest and Shoulders Warrior Poses Get moving with this full body workout!
Take a full minute before you start to close your eyes, quiet your mind, and check in with your energy level and the way your body feels. Do the same at the end of the workout and notice any changes. Share your observations in the comments below! Do each workout for 45 seconds: 1. Jumping jacks with burpees 2. Star jumps and mountain climbers 3. Plank push ups with feet in 4. Core twists with squats in between 5. Side shuffles 6. Walk outs toe touch 7. Bear crawl forward peddle back 8. Squat jumps forward; in and out jumps back 9. Crab walk forward; get up run back 10. Pop squats forward; side to side hops back 11. Walk out jackknife Finish with stretches: 1. Hip flexors 2. Quads 3. Side to side sways 4. Alternating windmills 5. Standing knee hugs 6. Hamstrings 7. Inner thighs 8. Arms This is a full body kettlebell workout that should take you about 40 min to complete if you are focused. Used a DB at times to show the modification for those that don’t have a kettlebell, no worries, dumbbells work just fine.
There are 3 circuits to complete. Do 10-15 reps of each exercise in the circuit, repeat 3 times, then move on to the next circuit. If you really want to challenge yourself: first set do 15 reps, second set 12, third set 10, but increase the weight. First Circuit: 1- KB swings 2- Upright rows 3- Leg Raises Second Circuit: 4- KB squats 5- Single arm swings 6- Single arm cleans Third circuit: 7- Sit ups 8- Bicycle abs 9- Toe touches 10- Hip curls |
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