It's summertime! Time to get those abs in shape. You'll look better and feel better- and reap the benefits of stronger core muscles to benefit your posture, balance, and overall sports performance. Let's do this together!
This month's challenge consists of 6 abdominal exercises. You will do each exercise for 1 minute for a 6 minute, all-around ab workout. Every week, or whenever you are ready, add another round to your daily routine. Take a photo before you start, and at the end and post it here on our website or our social media @fuertefitness Instagram and Fuerte Fitness page. Let's bring in some accountability to this challenge- we can help you, and invite your friends for some friendly competition! There's nothing like it when you can see the results of all your hard work. Here are some photos of each exercise to get you started. I will be posting videos to keep you motivated throughout the month. You can find them here, or subscribe to the Fuerte Fitness YouTube channel. There, you'll find other workouts and instructional videos to guide your fitness journey. Exercises, in the order they are shown below (hover over the photo to see the names):
We have been having so much fun in our semi-private sessions! Every class is different, providing some combination of strength training, high intensity, training, conditioning, and endurance. Although the focus changes, you can count on a challenge every time. Do you ever struggle with accountability? Put a semi-private session or two on your calendar every week, and you have a commitment to work out. Exercising with other people increases your drive and motivation. You are all carried by the group’s energy as you push your limits. Best of all- you will get results! There is still room in our Monday and Wednesday sessions. If those don’t fit your schedule, feel free to inquire about the other sessions. See you there! *Every other Thursday starting July 8Family fun and activity! Sofía doesn’t quite realize how different our world is when it comes to movement. She’s just hanging fun!
How are you doing with the July Fitness challenge?
Here are some tips for the poses for Week 1. Follow along, then make it your own. There are no rules- get in touch with your body and flow with the movement. #fitnesschallenge #fuertefitness #yogaflow If you like kale as much as I do, you will want to give this dairy and gluten free fennel, chickpeas, and kale salad a try. The roasted fennel and garlic taste incredible, and turmeric adds extra health benefits.
Brought to You by AdrianaLiving the good, fit life in Seattle, WA. Stay tuned for more bilingual fitness tips and nutritious recipes. Categories
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