I went to the Hanger Clinic in Gig Harbor, WA and got my custom made IDEO. I started by rocking in place, then walking, then shuffling side to side, and then it happened: at 7 minutes of having it on I was running full speed. In the 2 1/2 hours I spent at my first training session I was doing things I haven’t done in years. I also quickly realized how out of shape I was… but I wouldn’t ask for anything more than being a sweaty, tired mess because it meant I was finally active again.
I spent the weekend shoe shopping, walking around the mall, going to a Mariners game and standing the entire time at a restaurant patio, and wandering around on the town with friends. A weekend like that would have had me popping pain meds and icing my foot for hours in the past. I felt nothing other than some sore muscles that I haven’t used in a while. It’s incredible! I’ve had a few breakdowns since getting my IDEO. I will be fine and then all of a sudden it will hit me: my life has officially changed gears. I’ve been dreaming about this for so long and it’s finally happened… and I just want to go go go! I wouldn’t be at this moment without all of the love and support I have received from my family, friends, and even complete strangers. I want to say “Thank You” with everything in my heart for what you have done for me. Someday I may be able to put into words the gratitude I feel, but for now I can only cry and say “Thank You” with all of my love and gratitude. Visit www.thechroniclesoftinkerton.wordpress.com to follow along on Lisa's journey! |
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